Wednesday, August 20

Corporate Trainers- Soft Skills

Soft Skills are all about how you handle yourself…..
They are the deciding factors. They decide your responses to the day to day situations at your workplace or in personal life. They decide if you make a difference. It's definately a different way of being smart. We have already come to terms with the fact of today's globalized workforce - It's not the technical or cognitiver skills only that get you SUCCESS.

You may be an entry level employee or a vice president in your organization or you may be an entrepreneur. Your intellect and technical skills can't alone get you that success. These skills are identified. They are essential. They were never a part of any of our school syllabus. But, they can be acquired.

Let's talk about these skills. You can visit my blog and leave your comments.

My name is Ashwini, I'm a Corporate Soft Skill Trainer. My mission is to be the catalyst for change in organizations by working closely with their people for enhancement of these competancies. I have programs designed for development of various soft skills.

You can write to me at
Thank You.

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