Tuesday, March 24

Opening in Scientia, Bangalore

Scientia a software product company based in Bangalore,
has open positions for people, to work on Java/J2EE technologies.
We require Graduates with any of the following specialities
B.E/B.Tech/MCA/BCA/BSc Computer science/M.Sc Computer Science/B.Sc Mathematics/B.Sc Physics.

The candidate are required to have
1) Basic understanding of JAVA/J2EE and Web Technologies
2) Basic understanding of web application (Candidate with atleast one project in Java/J2EE completed as part of their curriculum preferred)
3) Commitment to work with Scientia on a long term.
4) Good analytical/logical and problem solving skills
5) Candidate should be able to work with minimal guidance (on job training will be provided on required technologies)
6) Candidate is expected to work on technologies like Hibernate/Spring (on job training will be provided)
mail us at careers@scientiaindia.com

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Unknown said...

Could you please give the specific person's email id in Scientia so that we can get a reply. Please provide somemore information on the openings in scientia

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