Thursday, February 28

Recruitment return on investment calculator

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We all are aware of the time that goes in before we get to a decent set of interviews and hopefully some placements and revenue. Here is a list of cost items that can make or break your work on a job order (We have lost some and made some and focused attention on where we could be losing).

Cost of resume: Time, effort and money spent to get to the initial set of resumes - this by no means is ready to be sent to the client

Cost of quality resume (Pulling out a quality resume from a pile - either job board, headhunters network or our good ol’ database has become a fairly critical and expensive task). This includes all the time invested by your team in getting to the right resumes, validating the contacts and confirming schedules.

Cost of communications: Internet and phone

Resource costs: Payroll and incentives, gotta keep the team going

Resource overheads: Space, infrastructure, management

For a fairly well-oiled set up, yield could cost $200 per slot easily. If it is a niche skill, your client is picky or rem is not really the most attractive in business, we are talking way more than that

Views and opinions, anyone?

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