Sunday, April 13

SBRI Specialized Summer Training Programs

Sai’s BioSciences Research Institute Pvt. Ltd., offers Specialized Summer Training Programs:

Kindly register at the earliest to enable us to block your training slot.

SBRI-Accelrys Accredited Training Programs
(Fast track and weekend batches are available)

P.G.Diploma in BioInformatics – 3 months (Full-Time)
Tools include: Accelrys Gene, Acclerys GCG, Seqweb, Discovery Studio, CHARm, Accord for Excel add-ons, Ligandfit

P.G.Diploma in ChemInformatics and Drug Designing – 3 months (Full-Time)
Tools include: Accelrys Gene, Discovery Studio, CHARm, Accord for Excel add-ons, ZDOCKPro, Ligandfit, Topkat, TSAR

Diploma in Computer Aided Drug Designing – 1.5 months (Full-Time)
Tools include: Discovery Studio, Ligandfit, Catalyst

Genome Analysis
Tools include: Accelrys Gene, Accelrys GCG, Seqweb
Proteome Analysis
Tools include: Accelrys GCG, Accelrys Gene, Discovery Studio-Visualization
Tools include: Accord for Excel, TSAR
Molecular Modeling and Simulation
Tools include: Discovery Studio, CHARm
BioTools (* 3 weeks)
Tools include: Accelrys GCG, Seqweb

SBRI Training Programs

Drug Target Identification and Drug Discovery
Metabolic Pathway Engineering
Molecular Modeling
Bioinformatics Tools & Softwares

For more details contact :
Ph: 91 44 42113881, 42113882

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