Sunday, April 13

What is wrong with conventional online recruiting?


Had the opportunity of working with a group of academic research fellas. This research team wanted to measure the advent of internet in recruiting. More interesting, for those who are clearly hitting the net for recruiting, what were clear problem areas.

We all know that there are these large job portals throwing out a lot of big numbers. Millions of resumes and jobs. Now we all know that in the staffing world, having an archive of resumes and a list of job orders does not really mean business. Like my prof used to say, to write marmalade or cheese cake in a silver plate and licking it wouldn’t really taste as good.

In our (a small team of recruiters, who have spent a large portion of our recruitment budget monies on job portals) experience, hitting a job portal was only the beginning of the task. We weren’t really getting down to solutions. We were enthused to see how fellow recruiters felt about online recruiting. In other words, what is really wrong with online recruiting - job portals.

So here it goes - views from corporate headhunters, executive headhunters, executive recruiters:
1. Locking up of funds for upto a year in advance - No No
2. Restricting an account to one sign in or one user at a time - No No
3. A lot of resumes are stale - The response community said, we want fresh resumes

4. Scheduling is a pain in the neck, takes most of our work day and more - there are no features to help us out on this
5. Something like 80% of the sampled recruiters said, they would try out a new product - if it solved real pain areas
6. What is a real product - service - feature that can deliver a quality resume

Is anyone listening out there?

What are your experiences, fellow progressive recruiters? Can anyone share individual experiences? Am all ears.

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