Thursday, May 22

HR Training (Bangalore)

Human Resource Management (HRM) is not just acquainting theoretical knowledge, it is about handling people, managing there expectations, creating a conducive environment for creative thinking and motivating people to enhance productivity and this requires skills, skills developed through human interaction, skills developed through experience.

The core group of The Associate's learning facilitators have more than a decade exposure in areas like Global Workforce Management, Acquisition and Mergers, developing Performance Management Systems for multinational clients and providing domain expertise in developing HRMS softwares. Some of the learning facilitators are industry experts in Corporate Law, Change Management, and Organizational Development interventions.

These are the areas we would be focusing on

HR Operations, Policies and Procedures, Recruitment, Vendor evaluation, Compensation and Benefits.
PF, PT, ESI, TDS, Strategic Initiatives Induction process, Separation process and Policy.
Employee Relations, Training and Development.
HRIS, Reports using Excel and HRMS software
Performance Management System, Performance appraisal, Competency mapping, Skill Audit, Performance Appraisal, Strategic Initiatives, Att * rition management initiatives, Over view ISO process, Soft skills, Group Discussion, Labour laws
Interviewing skills – behavioral interviewing skills, Pre interview, Post interview, Interview, Pre employment verification process, Reports
Developing Job Description (JD)

To know more about the facilitators/faculties and duration of the course and timings please contact us at

Best Regards,

Ranganath/ Prasad
The Associates
Bangalore - 86
Landline: 080 - 65351290
Mobile Number: +91-0-9980084252/9845463924


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