Wednesday, April 30

Biologistics offer Summer and Academic Projects

Training programs:
For the first time in india, the training division of Bio-Logistics, has introduced various courses which range from Basic Bioinformatics to advanced life sciences courses. These new courses address the growing needs of manpower in biotechnology and pharmaceutical organisations worldwide. New programs will be introduced periodically to cater the needs of the industry.

Basic bioinformatics
Advanced bioinformatics
Structural bioinformatics
Plant Bioinformatics
BioInformatics National Certification (BINC) Examination (DBT,India)
Programming in Bio-Perl
Programming in Bio-Java
Each of the courses has two components which include theory and lab along with a real time experience of the overall theme of the courses through project.
semester projects/summer trainings:
Academic projects are offered here with real time experience to various streams - M.Tech/M.Sc./B.Tech/.B.Sc. project
(disseratation) – biochemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, human genetics, microbiology, chemical engineering.

1.Database development projects
2.Development of pipeline using Java Interface -
3.Evolutionary trace analysis with repect to genome content of infectious agents
4.Modelling the structure of unknown protiens of human, viruses, cancer related.
5.Identifying and designing suitable drug candidates drugs for HIV and cancer.
6.Software tool for genomics and proteomics analysis.
7.Analysis of nucliec acids and proteins
8.Comparative genomics of genus Mycobacterium based on differentail gene expression
9.Comparative genomics of genus Mycobacterium based on differentail gene expression
10.Comparative genomics of genus Yeast based on differentail gene expression

Contact us:
M/S Bio-Logistics # 48-16-11A, 2nd Floor, Opp.Sanghvi Jewellers Asilmetta, Visakhapatnam, India (AP) 530016
Telephone/Fax: +91-891-2728788 Visit us at:

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