Wednesday, August 13

Deloitte Hyderabad hiring External Auditors

About Deloitte:
Deloitte & Touche Audit Services is one of the BIG 4 audit firms in the World and is a member firm of $18 bn turnover member firm of DELOITTE.

AERS-External Audit Services:
In conducting an External Audit of our clients’ financial statements, Deloitte holds itself to the highest standards of independence, professional objectivity, and technical excellence. Our approach is to understand a client's business, the risks it faces, and its internal controls. Based on our understanding we assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements so that we design effective audit procedures. For public companies we will integrate the audit of internal control over financial reporting as required by the Sarbanes Oxley Act with our audit of the financial statements. Our professionals bring a comprehensive methodology that leverages the firm's extensive professional and technical resources to our clients' financial reporting process, helping them meet the growing demand for enhanced disclosure and accountability.

External Audit Services primarily includes:
• Audits of financial statements including reviews of quarterly financial information
• Internal Control Attestation (including Sarbanes – Oxley Section 404)
• Assurance Services
• Agreed Upon Procedures
•Technical accounting research and advisory services

Educational Qualification :
Chartered Accountant / CPA (With 3 yrs of article ship from a Big 4 or reputed firm)

Preferably done statutory audits based on:
•US GAAP Knowledge
Location: Hyderabad

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