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Over the last several years, the transformation from personnel administration, labour management, industrial relations, to human
resource management is hopefully, more than a change in vocabulary.
The pressure to deliver exponentially is on the rise for most HR functions. Other job functions are calling for HR to become a
“strategic partner” in transforming from a low-level expense center to a more visible and responsive investment center. One key
dimension of this transformation is globalization - incorporating the perspectives, customs, and laws of other countries into effective
HR policies.
Here are a few aspects of increased pressure and forced change:
Then: Recruiting was earlier a magazine ad or a listing in the company notice board
Now: You are in talent sourcing and head hunting
Then: Word of mouth got you enough candidates
Now: You need be networking in the recruiting community, have a referral bonus scheme and be a proficient head hunter
Then: It was a long term commitment to a job - at least the outlook was to get something, perform, grow, settle down and retire
Now: Short cuts, launch pad techniques, overseas assignment, blue glass influence is viral
Then: Businesses had a lesser people factor orientation
Now: Knowledge businesses, increases sales orientation, the need for super customer care have all made pretty much all businesses
to be more of ‘People Organization’
Then: Manufacturing, retail, travel & tourism, banks, healthcare (hospital & medical, pharma) had people working in the same sector
or domain for a career
Now: It is becoming acceptable for a banker to become a programmer, a pharma sales professional to be selling credit cards (may
from a call center)
It is a multi sector, flat world - There are more dimensions, more challenges and a continual tightening (growing up) task at hand.
Like we always say, interesting times. What would work be without all these - just paper and files.
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