Tuesday, March 4

Opening for position of Automation lead

Ø 8+ years of Testing Experience with at least 2 years as a Test Automation lead.
Ø Proficient in automated tools, with a focus on the HP/Mercury product suite, including: WinRunner, Quick Test Pro, Loadrunner and Test Director.
Ø Strong WinRunner and QuickTest Pro scripting experience required.
Ø Must be proficient with automation process and practices.
Solid understanding of the Rational Unified Process and/or similar software development life cycle methodologies
Ø Proficient in building automation environments including: Installing hardware, installing operating systems, installing automation tools, configuring hardware and network configuration & troubleshooting.
Ø Must have strong knowledge of current Windows O/S, including installing, configuring, and basic operations.
Ø Strong analytical skills
Ø Ability to work with multiple product teams
Ø Conversion experience from Win Runner to QuickTest Pro is a plus.

If your profile matches the above mentioned requirement.please mail your resume to bigplacements@gmail.com

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