Friday, March 6

Open campus for MCA RECENT JOINING

Open campus for MCA & B.Tech (IT,CS,EC,EI,EN)
PROFILE :SET (Software Engineer Trainee)
Immediate joining for MCA & joining
The eligibility criteria of the company for the students belonging to the branches (EC, CS, IT, EI,EN,EEE in B.E/ B.TECH ) with 55% Aggregate through out & 55% Final Degree for MCA . . .
The selection procedure is as follows:
1. Written test includes ( both aptitude & technical( C&C++))
2. Group Discussion ( if needed, depends on the day of the campus)
3. Press Conference.
4. Technical round
5. Hr round is the final round
6. Result
7. Offer letter Distribution.
Venue--Priyadarshini college of computer sciences , Grater Noida
Date--7nd March
Reporting Time—09:30 AM
For more detail contact:
VIVEK SINGH- -9268704640
NASEEM -9910309099
for more details visit

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