Tuesday, December 11

Banking / Finance Domain Openings in Gulf

We Pratham Services are a recruitment consulting company operating from Gurgaon India. Presently we have following URGENT permanent openings with one of our Gulf based clients at Dubai:

1. Senior Sales Manager- Banking Domain Accounts
Front line selling of large value projects covering application solutions, technology infrastructure & services to banking domain clients accounts

2. Pre Sales Support – Banking Solutions
To independently conduct demos on banking systems (pre-sale support)

3. Chief Accountant
To functionally lead the department. Position reports to the CEO

4. Banking IT - CRM Executive
Handle client requests and ensure that Customer Support meets all the contractual terms stipulated in our Service Level Agreements

5. Banking Dot Net/ Power Builder/ Sybase/ J2EE Developer
Support includes installation, configuration, understand the issues and providing necessary support to resolve the same on either of these platforms PowerBuilder, .NET, Visual Basic, C, C++, J2EE and Sybase

6. Banking IT Service Manager
Min Exp: 6+ yrs exp Certifications: ITIL v3, or v2, PMBOK, Cobit, CMMI

7. Remedy Developer
Minimum of 3+ year of Remedy (version 5.x or higher) development, 3+ years of software development and IT experience

If this is of interest please email yr CV in doc format to loadcv@gmail.com with “ Banking ” on the subject line and following information in the body of the mail:

1. Position Applied for
2. Current Location
3. Contact Telephone No Landline
4. Contact Telephone No Mobile
5. Passport/ Visa Status
6. Marital Status
7. Current Salary indicating salary and benefits breakup (USD/ AED/ INR)
8. Expected Salary for Gulf(USD/ AED/ INR)
9. Notice Period Required
10. Total IT Experience in yrs:
11. Skill set Experience in yrs:

Pratham Services

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