Hi friends,
VNS InfoSolutions pvt. ltd. is a fast growing IT software development and services firm in Varanasi for open source technologies. [Currently we are heavily recruiting 1 + 1/2 years plus experienced people for USA on site opportunity. Please tell all your friends about this and ask them to apply immediately to grab this opportunity.
As per our VNS InfoSolution programming Language training program we provide training to fresher and less experience people on open source technologies and put them into the local Indian Market also to get placed in the standard organization and get to work on live projects. This training guarantees your job and gives you opportunity to grow fast in their career
Those who are interested,.. can get in touch with Ashish / Prasoon / JK Gupta (maaahi.ashish@gmail.com / 02.prasoon@gmail.com / jai_gupta2006@yahoo.co.in) and meet us.
NOTE : Please forward this mail to all your friends so that they can meet with this opportunity.
Ashish singh
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