Saturday, December 1

Legal - Manager for a large Mutinational Pharma Co

SRIIOM has been retained by a large Multinational Pharma company to search for a Manager - Legal,reporting to Legal Head with 5-7 years .The profile is as follows:


Attending to all legal matters relating to the Company’s operations. This would include advising on the implications of various legislations for assisting Management in formulating its long term plans, preparing necessary documentation for implementing decisions, ensuring various legal compliances, taking offensive/defensive actions on behalf of the Company to protect its interests and implementing the Company’s corporate policies and procedures affecting business operations.


· Assisting senior management in formulating corporate plans by providing necessary inputs relating to Government policy on drugs pricing, excise, foreign exchange regulations, stamp duty regulations, trade marks, etc.

· Keeping abreast of changes in relevant laws, rules, regulations, etc and advising on implications for the Company’s business

· Advising various Divisions on specific problems/issues referred by them in relation to legislations/court decisions applicable to their area of operations and indicating the desirable course of action to be adopted.

· Coordinating with the parent company in USA and their trademark attorneys in matters relating to intellectual properties, particularly trademarks and copyrights, including registration, renewal, licensing, infringement and passing off actions.

· Preparing/scrutinizing various commercial documents/agreements, such as contract manufacture, loan licensing, C & F agency, stockistship, distributorship, sale/purchase, lease and licensing of immovable property.

· Filing/prosecuting appeals/ reviews, revisions, etc. and opposing/defending show cause notices, demands, prosecutions, etc. under state/central excise and customs regulations.

· Ensuring compliance with various food and drugs laws, rules.

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